Zombie Masks

If you love apocalypse movies and TV series, with zombies and the living dead, then you're in the right place. Because here at Funidelia we’ve got a huge range of zombie masks. Become a creature of the living dead and recreate series like “The Walking Dead” and “Z Nation”, or films like “World War Z”, “Rec” and “28 Days Later”. Choose your favourite zombie mask, we’ve got skeleton zombies, bloody zombies, and the walkers from The Walking Dead... These zombie masks are perfect for finishing off your zombie costume. And if masks aren’t your thing, we’ve got some amazing zombie make-up you can use to transform yourself into the undead, with wounds, prosthetics and fake blood for a realistic “living dead” look. Whether you’ve got a zombie mask or some “living dead” make-up, the most terrifying night of the year awaits you!

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